
Saturday, 6 April 2013

Быстрые ушки. Выпечка ;)

Помните в детстве сладкие ушки с корицей и сахаром? Мы детьми эту выпечку за обе щеки уплетали :)
 Таким же любителям как я предлагаю очень быстрый и легкий рецепт.
П.С. Все мои рецепты на глаз.
Слоенное тесто. Я покупаю в супермаркете готовое, оно идеального размера ;)
Сахар на глаз, у меня примерно пол кружки уходит.
Корицу на вкус, кто любит больше, кто меньше.

Разложив тесто на столе, обсыпаю сахар смешанный с корицей на обе стороны. Скалкой слегка нажав повожу по тесту что бы сахар впился/вжался в тесто.
Потом начинать заворачивать края на противоположных  длинных сторонах просыпая сахарной смесью и проводя скалкой. И так пока до середины дойдете. У меня оно растянулось на фото, должно быть прямое по всем краям :)) Сложив в одну типа плосковатой сосиски еще раз сахаром и скалкой. Ножом нарезать куски толщиной где то в палец. Выложить на поднос или на тарелку и на 15 мин в холодильник охладить. Переложить на противень (оставте 2.5-3см между кусками), слегка приплющить пальцем и в нагретую духовку, выпекать где то 15 мин. У меня старая духовка в которой не регулируется температура, то есть на всю мощь(200'C) газовая и через 12-15 минут у меня готовы.
Совет, я минут через 7,как одна сторона подрумянится, переворачиваю их на другую сторону.
Приятного аппетита! Ямм

Need help with mobility equipment for my DD

It's a very late post! I have been so busy and ill, that kept postponing to write for the blog and its probably too late.
In our last appointment with a community paediatrician we discussed if there any pushchairs available for my little Vicky as she is growing out of her PhillandTeds. And then I have received a report/feedback letter, where it says that he will ask Vika's OT to prescribe her a wheelchair :( So I went on a mission to find a special needs buggy that will serve us in our daily life for many years more to come. And have found Kangoo one. We loved it! It is perfect for us in cense that it can be adopted for city use or all terrain. But! It comes with a hefty price of starting £2000 just for frame. No rain cover or anything. And then there is a Theratrike, a special needs bicycle which costs around £800. Victoria will enjoy so much to be able to ride her bike independently along with her older sister :)
I got a big support from a group of moms from our Russian moms in London community to start a fundraiser and what an amazing start it was! In just 4 days we have raised almost a thousand pounds. And then it slowed down. Wright now we are 3 days away from the dead line with only 50% of needed sum.
I have two family(and not only) photographers who are offering their services with all the proceeding going to the fund. If you are interested or know anyone who would be, please see below for photographers' contacts.
If you can donate, even a pound makes a difference, or share and help to spread the word, anything is very much appreciated!
I am ranting and not putting my words together very good, I apologise as I'm unwell and have foggy brain these few days...
The fundraising page is here

Charity photography:
We have a few offers to help raise the funds. If you live in London,UK or nearby we have two professional photographers offering their services, all proceedings from photoshoots will go into Victoria's fund.
*Option1: Wonderful opportunity to have a professional photoshoot experience at a very loyal price and help a little girl.
What is included:
30 minutes Photoshoot with light makeup and hair styling.
Pose direction.
From 10 to 40 HQ edited Magazine style images via email or post.
Good Karma for your help. You can buy ticket for this one day here

*Option2: By Contacting Kate See, you can be flexible on your day and time. For pricing details and to contact a photographer

Donation can go straight into PayPal account, e-mail is

Many many thank you's and gratitude xx