My little V went to Greece with her Dad last Saturday. His mom had arrange for her to see some doctors over there. On Monday she saw an Orthopedist. When daddy called me with the news, bad ones, I got very angry with NHS AGAIN!
Seriously. How many times they will misdiagnose my little baby and continuously miss the symptoms?? First about the cause of her recurring chest infections ( wrote about it in may) and now about her walk.
My V is resting, she is so sweet and kind girl |
She has had a funny walk since he first steps, which by the way were very late, at about 15 months. Yes, they checked manually her joints on several occasions, send her for physiotherapy but all these years they failed to notice that apparently both of her legs the hip joints are dislocated, femoral head is out of the cartridge on both sides and apparently it was like that since birth.What?? Well, that's what the doctor in Greece said after he took X-Ray of her hips. She was never sent for X-Ray here in London. The doctor also said that she requires surgery on both hips to correct it.
Immediately after the call I phoned to V's pediatrician but she is away till the end of the month. Then I phoned to V's physiotherapist and she sounded surprised that V never had X-Ray here and advised me to call V's consultant from Neurological development clinic and so I did. Last time we saw a consultant was about 2 weeks before that for the first time.Before her it was a different consultant and he was Greek. She referred V to neurologist at Great Ormond Street and requested more blood test for muscle enzymes and something else. So I call her and Thank God she was at the office. I explained to her what I was told by V's Dad and she was quick to respond. She advised me for the Dad to get the reports from Greece and as soon as they are back, take them to the CDC and leave them at reception so she can do a referral on the basis of these reports to Orthopedics here in London.
Someone from the system advised me to put in an official complains and may be even sue the NHS. But where do I start?? It's not just one doctor, it's a whole bunch of them as over the years we saw many and all of them failed to pick up on the little things which I constantly was trying to point out but was ignored...
But I am so proud of my beautiful courageous girl. She is a survivor and a miracle. As the doctor who had finally discovered the cause of her chest infection said, it is a miracle that V is alive and adapted to her condition all on her own. I am so proud of her and love her oh so much. Can't wait for her to come back and give her lots of hugs and kisses.